Bringing together researchers and decision makers to help sustain a healthy Adirondack Park and grow a vibrant regional economy.
The Need for Research-Based Knowledge of the Adirondacks
Join us for the 29th Annual Conference on the Adirondacks, May 15th & 16th, 2025
High Peaks Resort, Lake Placid, NY.
Coming, Thursday, March 6th, 2025,
The Wild Center, Tupper Lake, NY
The 2025 Adirondack Climate Conference
The Adirondack Research Consortium (ARC) was founded to bring together scientists from research organizations and people who work to make the Park a better place, such as business owners, local and State governments, private land managers, farmers, foresters, teachers, and interested citizens. We partner researchers with decision-makers to make sure good science is being used to answer real questions.
We invite you to be part of our efforts to promote science and research in the Adirondacks with a tax-deductible donation by credit card or by sending a check to:
P.O. Box 96
Paul Smith's College Campus
Paul Smiths, NY 12970